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Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

BlackBerry Style 9670 – Ponsel Flip CDMA Terbaru BlackBerry

BlackBerry kembali meluncurkan salah satu anggota barunya di pasaran Amerika. Ponsel tersebut adalah BlackBerry Style 9670. Ponsel ini masih menyertakan ciri khas ponsel pabrikan RIM, keyboard QWERTY yang dipadu dengan bentuk flip.
Untuk fasilitas penunjang, ponsel CDMA ini mengandalkan email, pesan text, dan real time chat dengan BlackBerry Messenger. Tidak lupa perlengkapan seperti kamera 5MP dengan flash dan support untuk video recording, aplikasi pendeteksi data via GPS dan geotagging, konekstivitas Wi-Fi dan perlindungan data serta kartu memori untuk meningkatkan daya tampung sebesar 32GB disisipkan pada BlackBerry Style 9670.
Navigasi ponsel ini menggunakan trackpad optic. Sebual layar eksternal yang berfungsi sebagai peringatan dan pesan terpasang pada ponsel ini. ponsel yang menjalankan sistem operasi terbaru BlackBerry ini tersedia dalam dua pilihan warna, Steel Grey dan Royal Purple.
Untuk dapat menikmati segala macam fitur yang terdapat pada Style 9670, para calon pengguna harus siap membayar harga sebesar $99.99 dengan aktivasi layanan dari Sprint.

Kata Kunci Pencarian:

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)

Release Date: 15 July 2011
Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama 
Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint
Quality: TS
Encoder: SayFull@Ganool 
Language: ENGLISH
Subtitle: Indonesia, English

The final chapter begins as Harry, Ron, and Hermione continue their quest of finding and destroying the Dark Lord's three remaining Horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality. But as the mystical Deathly Hallows are uncovered, and Voldemort finds out about their mission, the biggest battle begins and life as they know it will never be the same again.

Kualifikasi Piala Dunia Asia Grup E : Indonesia - Iran - Bahrain - Qatar
Fans of the Indonesian national football team celebrate their team's victory against Turkmenistan during their 2014 World Cup Asian qualifying football match at the Gelora Bung Karno stadium in Jakarta on July 28, 2011. Indonesia beat Turkmenistan 4-3.

Rio de Janeiro - Indonesia masuk grup yang relatif berat di putaran ketiga Pra Piala Dunia 2014 zona Asia. Tergabung di Grup E, tim Garuda akan bersaing dengan Iran, Qatar, dan Bahrain.

Hasil drawing putaran ketiga Pra Piala Dunia 2014 zona Asia:

Grup A: China, Yordania, Irak, Singapura
Grup B: Korea Selatan, Kuwait, Uni Emirat Arab, Lebanon
Grup C: Jepang, Uzbekistan, Suriah, Korea Utara
Grup D: Australia, Arab Saudi, Oman, Thailand
grup E: Iran, Qatar, Bahrain, Indonesia

Jadwal tanding timnas Indonesia di Qualification :



Samsung Galaxy Tab merupakan produk samsung generasi baru yang akan diperkenalkan oleh vendor asal Korea Selatan yang  menghadirkan seri Galaxy Tabterbarunya, yaitu Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 dan Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Jika Samsung Galaxy Tab generasi pertama muncul dengan layar 7 inci, generasi kedua dan ketiga masing-masing dengan layar 8,9 inci dan 10,1 inci. Keunggulan lainnya, kedua seri terbaru ini memakai sistem operasi Android khusus tablet, Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), dan tampilan antarmuka TouchWiz 4.0.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 yang sempat melewati tahap revisi produk hadir dengan dimensi 25,6 x 17,2 x 0,8 cm. Sebelum direvisi, ketebalannya mencapai 1 cm. Kini, baik Galaxy Tab 8.9 maupun Galaxy Tab 10.1 keduanya lebih tipis ketimbang iPad 2. Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9yang memiliki layar 8,9 inci beresolusi WXGA. Ia berdimensi 23 x 15,7 x 0,8 cm dengan berat 470 gram. Kapasitasnya baterainya lumayan besar, 6000 mAh. Fitur lainnya kurang lebih sama seperti "saudara" besarnya.

Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
Harga Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 adalah US$469 (16GB) atau US$569 (32GB). Harga Samsung Galaxy Tab ini hanya berlaku untuk Galaxy Tab terbaru berbasis koneksi Wi-Fi. Samsung juga akan mengumumkan versi mobile Internet, yakni berbasis jaringan quad band 3G HSPA+ 21 Mbps. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 mulai tersedia 8 Juni mendatang. Harga Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 adalah US$499 (versi 16GB) atau US$599 (32GB). Akan ada versi 64GB, tetapi Samsung belum bersedia mengumumkan harganya.

Semoga saja anda bisa membandingkan hp terbaru antara blackberry bold 9900sony ericsson xperia arc atau samsung galaxy tab mana yang lebih cocok buat anda pakai dan tentunya harga yang sesuai dengan pendapatan anda. Semoga bermanfaat dan berguna buat riview sebelum anda membeli hp samsung galaxy terbaru ini.

Transformers 3 on July 1st 2011

Paramount and DreamWorks have officially announced that they will be makingTransformers 3, and releasing the film on Friday, July 1st 2011. No word on if MichaelBay or stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox are set to return, but I would be really surprised if it didn’t happen.
Summer 2011 is really beginning to shape up as Transformers becomes the third film announced thus far for July — Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II hits on the 15th and Marvel’s The First Avenger: Captain America hits on the 22nd. Paramount has also moved up the release date of Marvel’s Thor to May 20th to give the threequel more breathing room.

Many fans hope that Warner Bros will announce a sequel to The Dark Knight for Summer 2011, but logistically, it’s looking more like Summer 2012. There is only so many big blockbuster movies that can be released in the hot month of July, and 2011 is beginning to fill up fast.


Menancapkan Kembali Sang Merah Putih di Puncak Everest
Sepenggal kisah mengenai kejayaan pendaki Indonesia dimulai pada tanggal 26 April 1997, ketika itu Lettu Misirin, Sertu Asmujiono, dan Lettu Infanteri Iwan Setiawan berhasil menjadi Tim Indonesia pertama yang mengibarkan Sang Saka Merah Putih di Puncak Everest (8.848 mdpl), puncak tertinggi di dunia. Keberhasilan “Ekspedisi Mount Everest Indonesia 1997” menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara pertama dari Asia Tenggara yang dapat menjejakkan kakinya di atap dunia. Saat itu putera-putera Indonesia telah menorehkan prestasi yang berharga bagi Tanah Air Indonesia. Pendakian ke puncak tertinggi dunia bukanlah hal yang mudah, kesungguhan dan konsistensi sangat diperlukan. Mengingat medan yang berbahaya dan cuaca yang ekstrim, pendaki harus memiliki fisik dan mental yang sehat dan kuat. Terlebih, secara organisasi pendakian ini sangat memerlukan pengaturan, pengendalian, dan disiplin yang tinggi. Hal inilah yang terus dihayati oleh Tim “Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition Mahitala Unpar 2009-2012” (ISSEMU) dalam merencanakan dan mempersiapkan pendakian ke Puncak Everest, puncak keenam dari rangkaian pendakian tujuh puncak tertinggi di dunia, yang sesuai rencana akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2011.
Rute Pendakian ISSEMU Menuju Puncak Everest
Tim ISSEMU terdiri dari Sofyan Arief Fesa (28), Xaverius Frans (24),  Broery Andrew (22),  dan Janatan Ginting (22). Keempat mahasiswa Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung ini akan mengawali perjalanan mereka menuju Puncak Everest pada tanggal 27 Maret 2011. Dari Jakarta mereka akan bertolak ke Kathmandu (1.400 mdpl), ibukota Nepal dan memulai jadwal operasional pendakian Everest selama 74 hari melalui Southeast Ridge(Jalur Selatan). Selanjutnya, tim akan berangkat ke Lukla menggunakan pesawat. Lukla adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di Distrik Solukhumbu, di Zona Sagarmatha, Nepal bagian Timur Laut. Terletak pada ketinggian 2.860 mdpl, Lukla adalah tempat persinggahan terakhir sebelum para pendaki memulai rute pendakian panjang menuju puncak.
Dengan berjalan kaki, tim akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Namche Bazaar (3.440 mdpl), lalu ke Khumjung, sebuah desa besar yang sedang berkembang, yang terdiri dari beberapa desa kecil yang terkenal dengan keindahannya. Pada rute perjalanan berikutnya, tim akan singgah di Desa Tengboche (3.867 mdpl), kemudian Dingboche (4.530 mdpl), yang masih berada dalam area Khumjung. Penduduk Dingboche menggantungkan mata pencahariannya dari pariwisata pendakian Gunung Everest, terlihat dari banyaknya vila dan area perkemahan yang disewakan, serta fasilitas yang tersedia. Bagi para pendaki, Dingboche merupakan salah satu tempat persinggahan ideal untuk memantapkan aklimatisasi. Tim ISSEMU sendiri akan bermalam selama kurang lebih 3 hari sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Everest Base Camp / EBC (5.364 mdpl)  Tim akan tinggal selama beberapa hari di EBC untuk beristirahat, beraklimatisasi, serta mempersiapkan diri untuk pendakian. Setelah ini tim akan terus berlatih untuk menambah ketinggian demi kepentingan aklimatisasi sebelum summit attack.
Proses aklimatisasi setelah EBC akan terbagi menjadi tiga tahap. Pada tahap pertama, selama kurang lebih 5 hari, tim akan melakukan pendakian ke Lobuche East Peak (6.119 mdpl) lalu kembali lagi ke EBC. Pada tahap berikutnya, tim akan melakukan pendakian ke Camp 2 Everest / Advanced Base Camp (6.462 mdpl) selama 3 hari sebelum kembali ke EBC. Tahap ketiga adalah tahap terakhir aklimatisasi dimana tim akan mendaki sampai dengan Camp 3 (7.315 mdpl) menggunakan fixed rope yang telah terpasang dari Camp 2. Dari Camp 3, tim akan kembali turun ke EBC untuk mempersiapkan summit attack.
Tim akan berada di EBC selama 5 sampai 10 hari sebelum summit attack. Pada saat summit attack, tim akan kembali menapaki jalan yang telah mereka lalui sebelumnya, yaitu mendaki secara bertahap mulai dari Camp 1 (5.944 mdpl), Camp 2 (6.462 mdpl), Camp 3 (7.315 mdpl), Camp 4 (7.906 mdpl), hingga puncak Everest (8.848 mdpl). Sebelum memasuki Camp 1, tim akan berhadapan dengan Khumbu Icefall, salah satu bagian paling berbahaya dalam pendakian Everest. Perubahan cuaca dan pergerakan muka bumi senantiasa membuat patahan-patahan es di Khumbu Icefall bergeser, sehingga akan terdapat banyak rekahan es (crevasses) dan besar kemungkinan akan jatuhnya bongkahan-bongkahan es berukuran besar. Ketelitian dan kewaspadaan sangat diperlukan untuk melewati tempat ini dengan selamat.
Setibanya di Camp 4 / South Col, tim akan memasuki zona kematian / death zone (di atas 8.000 mdpl), ketika tubuh manusia tidak lagi mampu beraklimatisasi. Oleh karena itu untuk pendakian ke puncak, tim membutuhkan tabung oksigen. Masing-masing anggota Tim Pendaki ISSEMU akan menggunakan 6 tabung oksigen dengan limit waktu penggunaan 36 jam untuk mencapai dan menuruni Puncak Everest. Pergerakan menuju puncak akan dimulai sekitar tengah malam dengan harapan akan sampai puncak sekitar 10 sampai 12 jam. Rute menuju puncak sangat menantang dan berbahaya, diakhiri dengan Hillary Steppada ketinggian 8.760 mdpl, kemudian segera disambut megahnya puncak Everest pada ketinggian 8.848 mdpl. Melihat sulitnya rute pendakian, ketinggian puncak, dikombinasikan dengan cantiknya Puncak Everest dan pemandangan yang terhampar di hadapannya, maka sangat layak apabila penduduk Nepal menyebut gunung ini Sagarmatha (Goddess of the Sky), dan masyarakat Tibet menamakannya Qomolangma (Mother Goddess of the Universe). Mengingat persediaan oksigen yang terbatas, tim harus segera turun kembali dari puncak menuju Camp 2, kemudian turun kembali ke EBC. Beberapa hari kemudian tim akan melanjutkan rute turun, kembali melalui Namche Bazaar, Lukla, Kathmandu, kemudian kembali ke Jakarta.
Dalam pendakian kali ini Tim ISSEMU juga melibatkan tim pendukung untuk membantu tim pendaki, terutama dalam bidang dokumentasi dan komunikasi dari lapangan ke tanah air. Tim pendukung ini akan tinggal di EBC saat tim pendaki menjalankan summit attack. Tim pendukung yang akan berangkat adalah Ambrin Siregar (60), Paul Octavianus Jayaputra (37), Edward Balandua (21),  Yessie Agusta (22), Panji Haryadi (28), dan Ariesto Wibowo (23). Tim pendukung akan bertolak ke Kathmandu pada tanggal 27 April 2011, dan menuju EBC melalui rute yang berbeda dengan tim pendaki untuk memperluas daerah eksplorasi. Tim pendukung akan melalui beberapa tempat menarik seperti Desa Phakding yang terkenal dengan jembatan gantungnya, Danau Gokyo yang indah, serta berkesempatan untuk melakukan pendakian ke Puncak Kala Patthar (7.161 mdpl), salah satu puncak di Zona Sagarmatha.

Dalam olahraga pendakian gunung, khususnya pendakian gunung es yang ketinggiannya melebihi rata-rata, kemampuan aklimatisasi pendaki sangat diperlukan. Oleh karena itu Tim ISSEMU, baik tim pendaki dan tim pendukung, mempersiapkan pendakian ini dengan sebaik-baiknya dengan melakukan latihan fisik secara rutin, latihan yoga untuk pernafasan,rock climbing, dan trekking di gunung-gunung daerah Jawa Barat. Tim juga menjalani tes fisik dan aklimatisasi di Lembaga Kesehatan Penerbangan dan Ruang Angkasa (LAKESPRA) Dr. Saryanto milik TNI Angkatan Udara. Di sini, untuk mengetahui kemampuan tim dalam menghadapi ketinggian dimana kadar oksigen, tekanan dan suhu yang semakin rendah, digunakan hypobaric/altitude chamber, yakni sebuah ruangan yang bisa disimulasikan pada suatu ketinggian yang diinginkan. Ketika berada dalam ruangan ini, tim diuji dengan menggunakan persoalan matematika sederhana seperti penjumlahan dan pengurangan, hingga simulasi ketinggian mencapai 9000 mdpl, dimana kadar oksigen sudah sangat tipis.
Menapaki puncak keenam dari rangkaian pendakian tujuh puncak dunia, Tim ISSEMU kembali didampingi oleh Hiroyuki Kuraoka (49), seorang mountain guide kawakan asal Chiba, Jepang, yang sebelumnya telah mendampingi tim dalam pendakian puncak keempat, Puncak Vinson di Antartika. Hiro adalah seorang pendaki berpengalaman yang pernah mendaki Seven Summits: Kilimanjaro, Elbrus (10 kali), Aconcagua (3 kali), Vinson (4 kali), Carstensz Pyramid (3 kali), Denali (3 kali), dan Everest (4 kali). Dari pengalaman pendakiannya tersebut, Hiro yang juga merupakan konsultan resmi Tim ISSEMU memberikan banyak masukan, terutama mengenai operasional, peralatan yang digunakan, karakteristik setiap gunung, strategi pendakian, dan metode latihan yang efektif.
Syukuran dan Pelepasan Tim “Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition Mahitala Unpar 2009-2012” Menuju Everest
Sebagai bentuk syukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa dan ungkapan terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah membantu terselenggaranya ISSEMU, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan mengadakan acara Syukuran dan Pelepasan Tim “Indonesia Seven Summits Expedition Mahitala Unpar 2009-2012” Menuju Everest, pada hari Sabtu 12 Maret 2011 di Gedung Serba Guna Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Kapten Misirin selaku perwakilan Tim Ekspedisi Mount Everest 1997, segenap Civitas Akademika Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, rekan-rekan Pencinta Alam, Anggota Mahitala, dan rekan-rekan Media. Selain sebagai bentuk syukur, acara ini juga dilaksanakan untuk memohon doa restu bagi keselamatan dan keberhasilan Tim ISSEMU dalam menyelesaikan pendakian Everest.

Puncak Everest akan menjadi puncak keenam yang akan digapai oleh Tim ISSEMU dari rangkaian tujuh puncak dunia. Adapun dari 7 puncak yang dituju, kelima puncak yang telah dicapai adalah Carstensz Pyramid (4.884 mdpl) pada 23 dan 26 Februari 2009 di Indonesia (Australasia); Kilimanjaro (5.895 mdpl) via Machame pada 10 Agustus 2010 di Kenya (Afrika); Elbrus (5.642 mdpl) via Rute Utara di Rusia (Eropa) pada 24 Agustus 2010;Vinson (4.897 mdpl) di Antartika pada 13 Desember 2010 dan Aconcagua (6.962 mdpl) di Argentina (Amerika Selatan) pada 9 dan 29 Januari 2011; selanjutnya puncak terakhir yang akan dicapai adalah Denali (6.194 mdpl) di Alaska (Amerika Utara).

Rangkaian kegiatan Indonesia 7 Summits Expedition Mahitala Unpar 2009-2012 (ISSEMU) ini mendapat dukungan dana dan perhatian penuh PT. Mud King Asia Pasifik Raya (MKAPR), sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minyak dan gas bumi. PT MKAPR yang berkedudukan di Jakarta memiliki komitmen yang sangat tinggi sebagai sponsor tunggal untuk mensukseskan rangkaian pendakian ke 7 puncak tertinggi di 7 benua (seven summits), melalui program CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) dengan tujuan menorehkan prestasi bangsa Indonesia di bidang olah raga pendakian gunung, juga membangkitkan kembali rasa cinta terhadap bangsa dan tanah air tercinta,  Indonesia.

Harley-Davidson Motorcycle History

Harley-Davidson, Inc. is the parent company of Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Buell Motorcycle Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Harley-Davidson Motor Company produces heavyweight motorcycles and offers a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories, apparel, and general merchandise. Buell Motorcycle Company produces a line of 
sport motorcycles.

    • 1870Birth of William A. Davidson, Milwaukee, WI.
    • 1876Birth of Walter Davidson, Milwaukee, WI.
    • 1880Birth of William S. Harley, Milwaukee, WI. As he was born just after Christmas, his parents gave him the middle name “Sylvester.”
    • 1881Birth of Arthur Davidson, Milwaukee, WI.

  • 1901William S. Harley, aged 21, completes a blueprint for an engine designed to fit into a bicycle.
  • 1903Harley and Arthur Davidson build the first production Harley-Davidson in 1903. It features a 3-1/8-inch bore and a 3-1/2-inch stroke yielding 7.07 cubic inches (116cc). They make a more powerful motor with the assistance of Ole Evinrude – better known as the inventor of the outboard motor. It is designed for use on the wooden velodromes where popular bicycle races are held.Harley and Davidson work in a 10 x 15-foot shed on Chestnut Street (later renamed Juneau Avenue) which is still the address of Harley-Davidson’s head office.
  • 1904The first Harley-Davidson dealer, C.H. Lang of Chicago, opens for business.
  • 1906A new 28 by 80-foot factory is built on Chestnut Street. The company has grown to have six employees. It produces its first catalog, and coins the nickname “Silent Gray Fellows.” It’s a reference to the fact that the bikes were painted dove gray, and that they were quietly reliable. (Evidently, the company’s founders were unaware that loud pipes save lives.)
  • 1907William A. Davidson joins the firm. Harley-Davidson Motor Company is incorporated, with stock shared by the Harley and the three Davidson brothers.
  • 1908Walter Davidson scores a perfect 1,000 points at the 7th Annual Federation of American Motorcyclists Endurance and Reliability Contest. Three days after the contest, Walter sets the FAM economy record at 188.234 miles per gallon.Perhaps impressed with that reliability, Detroit becomes the first city to buy a H-D motorcycle for police use.
  • 1909“The Motor Company” makes its first V-Twin. It has a displacement of 49.5 cubic inches and produces seven horsepower.
  • 1910The ‘Bar & Shield’ logo is used for the first time in 1910 and was trademarked one year later.
  • 1911The ‘F-head’ single-cylinder engine is introduced and will remain in use until 1929. (This is not a reference to “Hey, f-head!” it’s a reference to the shape of the valve ports.) It is an inlet-over-exhaust design, with an overhead intake valve (in the head like a modern motor) but a “side” exhaust valve which is in the cylinder.
  • 1912Harley-Davidson begins exporting motorcycles to Japan. Construction begins on a six-storey headquarters. The Parts and Accessories Dept. is formed. The company has more than 200 dealers across America.
  • 1913The Racing Department is formed, under the control of Bill Harley.
  • 1914Sidecars are made available. Some models are briefly available with a two-speed transmission in the rear hub. Also, belts go out of fashion – for the moment. Harley-Davidson is one of the last motorcycle manufacturers to switch from leather drive belts to chains. The leather belts slipped, stretched and rotted, so chains are a big improvement.
  • 1915H-D motorcycles become available with three-speed sliding-gear transmissions with final and primary drive on the same side.
  • 1916The Enthusiast magazine is published for the first time.
  • 1917About a third of the company’s production is purchased by the Army. To train Army mechanics, the company starts the Quartermasters School. After the war, it will be retained as the Service School, providing factory-trained mechanics for dealers.
  • 1918Almost half of all H-D motorcycles produced are sold for use by the U.S. military in World War I. After Armistice is signed, Corporal Roy Holtz becomes the first American soldier to enter Germany. He does so on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
  • 1919The 37-cubic-inch Sport model is introduced. It’s a horizontally-opposed, fore-and-aft V-Twin.
  • 1920Now the largest motorcycle manufacturer, H-D boasts over 2,000 dealers in 67 countries.
    The factory racing team, already known as “The Wrecking Crew” because it’s become so dominant in American racing, has a small pig as a mascot. The bikes are nicknamed “hogs” as a result.
  • 1925The company adopts teardrop-shaped gas tanks (previously they were flat-topped) that give its machines a very distinct look. Joe Petrali becomes one of the first salaried “factory racers.”
  • 1926Single-cylinder motorcycles are sold first time since 1918. Models A, AA, B and BA are available in side-valve and overhead-valve engine configurations.
  • 1928The first two-cam engine is made available on the JD series motorcycles. The bike can reach a top speed between 85 and 100 mph. Luckily, this year all H-D models are also available with a brake on the front wheel. Surprisingly few Harley-Davidson riders use them, even to this day.
  • 1929The D model is introduced with a rugged, 45-cubic-inch flathead V-Twin engine. The “Flathead” motor will be sold in various guises for over 40 years.The stock-market crash heralds the Great Depression. In 1929, the company sells 21,000 motorcycles. It’s the strongest of the dozens – if not hundreds – of motorcycle brands that were launched in the first three decades of the century; only a handful will survive into the fourth.
  • 1932The three-wheeled Servi-car begins its 41-year run. (Sure they were used to deliver great corned-beef sandwiches, but they were also used by the guys who wrote 410,000,000 parking tickets, too.)In racing, Joe Petrali begins a string of five consecutive national championships in dirt track, as well as four consecutive hill-climb titles. (In those years, the championship was decided in a single race.)
  • 1933The company sells only 4,000 motorcycles this year. To reduce costs for competitors, the AMA creates a new racing class, Class C, based on production equipment and allowing for limited modifications. Although the original, prototype-based Class A persists, the AMA emphasizes the new class. Purists resent the change.
  • 1935Alfred Child, the company’s agent in Asia, realizes that currency exchange rates are killing sales in Japan. He convinces the company to license production of its motorcycles in Japan. The Sankyo Seiyakyo Corporation purchases tooling and begins producing Harley “clones”. They are sold under the name Rikuo, which means “King of the Road.”
  • 1936Introduction of the EL, an overhead valve, 61-cubic-inch-powered bike, which earns the nickname of ‘Knucklehead’ because of the shape of its rocker-boxes. The company also introduces an 80-cubic-inch side-valve engine.
  • 1937Petrali sets a land-speed record of over 136 mph with a streamlined Knucklehead. The first WL models are produced.William A. Davidson dies, two days after signing an agreement that makes the company a union shop.
  • 1938Ben Campanale wins the Daytona 200 on a 45 cubic-inch WLDR. The race was run on the 3.2-mile beach course.The Jackpine Gypsies hold the first Black Hills rally in Sturgis.
  • 1941United States enters World War II. The production of civilian motorcycles is almost entirely stopped.
  • 1942When U.S. soldiers capture their first “Wehrmacht”-issue motorcycles in North Africa, they find that the BMWs and Zundapps are better suited to tough military duty. Harley-Davidson and Indian each develop about 1,000 machines for evaluation, with shaft drives and Flat-Twin motors copied from the Germans. They are never widely issued, though the machines cost Uncle Sam a whopping $35,000 each.Walter Davidson dies.
  • 1943William S. Harley dies.
  • 1945The war finally ends. Between 1941-45 the company produced almost 90,000 WLA models for military use.
  • 1946The 45 cubic-inch, flathead, WR production racer is made. It conforms to stricter Class C AMA rules, which are intended to reduce costs for competitors. It’s a flathead, because in Class C, flatheads are allowed to displace 750cc, while OHV motors are limited to 500cc.
  • 1948The company’s 61 and 74 c.i. OHV engines are updated with aluminum heads and hydraulic valve lifters. Also new are the one-piece rocker covers, which resemble cake pans, earning the motor the nickname ‘Panhead.’As part of Germany’s war reparations, the Allies loot German patents. The fine, small two-stroke motors built by DKW (seen in that
    company’s popular RT125) are copied by BSA (the Bantam) and Harley-Davidson, which produces the model S that will come to be known as the Hummer.
  • 1949Hydraulic front forks make their first appearance on the new Hydra-Glide models.
  • 1950Arthur Davidson dies.
  • 1952Returning servicemen seem to favor the lighter British Twins they saw “over there.” In response, Harley-Davidson creates the 45 c.i. side-valve K model. It’s a unit-construction motor – the crankcases and gearbox are one set of castings.
  • 1953Indian goes into its long, painful death throes. H-D, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year will be only real motorcycle manufacturer in the U.S. for the rest of the century.The aging WR and WRTT production racers are no match for the British 500s now invading the dirt tracks (and few road courses) of America. The H-D racing department counters with a new racer, the KR. Like the WR, it is a 750cc flat-head.
  • 1955The new KR begins a run of seven consecutive Daytona 200 victories, which will include the last race run on the old beach course and first one run at the new Daytona International Speedway.
  • 1957The Sportster is introduced. It is basically a larger-displacement version of the K motor, fitted with an OHV head. At 55 c.i., it offers performance to rival anything coming out of England (at least, anything coming out of England without a “Vincent” tank badge.) has a 55 cubic-inch overhead-valve engine.
  • 1958Hydraulic rear suspensions appear on the Duo-Glide.
  • 1960Harley-Davidson acknowledges the market potential of smaller machines. The company makes its first and only scooter, the Topper. It also purchases a half-interest in the Italian company Aermacchi, which produces fast and stylish single-cylinder machines of up to 350cc.Brad Andres wins the last Daytona 200 run on the sand. 2nd through 13th (no, not 3rd, 13th) places all go to riders on KRs.
  • 1961The first Aermacchi design to reach America is the Harley-Davidson Sprint. Short-track racers are quick to realize that its good power and low center of gravity make it a winner.
  • 1962Harley-Davidson acquires the Tomahawk boat company and starts to learn about the uses of fiberglass.
  • 1964The humble Servi-Car is the first of the company’s machines to be fitted with an electric starter.
  • 1965The Duo-Glide and is fitted with an electric starter, and thus becomes the Electra-Glide.
  • 1966Riders clamoring for more power cause the company to update the old Panhead motor. The new engine has rocker boxes that resemble coal shovels. Hence, the new mill gets the nickname “Shovelhead.” This basic motor will remain in production for 20 years.
  • 1968After years of increasingly vociferous lobbying, the import manufacturers convince the AMA rules committee that the 250cc displacement advantage given to flathead motors is unfair. The AMA declares that, in the future, bikes with overhead valves (all the British and Japanese models) can also displace up to 750cc. Harley-Davidson lobbies to delay the implementation of the new rule for one more season.
  • 1969Although Harley-Davidson stock is publicly traded, it is still a relatively closely held corporation. The shareholders – perhaps sensing that the “Japanese invasion” is about to open a new front in the heavyweight category, with the Honda CB750 Four – sell the company to the American Machine and Foundry Company. AMF has hitherto been known to the American consumer as a maker of bowling balls, but it is in fact a large, diversified manufacturer.AMF could have risen to the challenge presented by the sophisticated and comparatively affordable Honda. Instead, AMF’s managers roll a real gutter-ball. Harley-Davidson quality plummets. Before long, dealers are forced to rebuild motors under warranty and magazines are brutally critical of test bikes. Used Harleys are described as “pre-AMF” in classified ads.
  • 1970The racing department creates a new production racer, the XR-750. The motor is basically a destroked Sportster unit. It gets off to an inauspicious start; none of the factory entries reach the finish in the Daytona 200. The first Harley across the line is an ancient KRTT, ridden by Walt Fulton III.
  • 1971By mating the spare front end of the XL series with the frame and motor of the FL series, the company creates the first cruiser – the FX 1200 Super Glide.
  • 1973A new assembly plant is opened in York, PA.
  • 1977Although most Harley fans would rather forget the years in which the company was owned by AMF, there is one AMF-era bike that’s highly sought-after by collectors: the 1977 XLCR. That “CR” stands for Café Racer and the bike was only the second major project for Willie G. Davidson (the grandson of one of the founders.) While the model is prized now, it was rejected by Harley customers in 1977. Only 3,100 were sold and the model was dropped a year later – although dealers still had unsold XLCRs cluttering their showroom floors well into the ’80s.The FXS Low Rider is also introduced this year.
  • 1979The FXEF “Fat Bob” is introduced. It’s called fat because of its dual gas tanks, and bob on account of its bobbed fenders.
  • 1980The FLT is introduced. It has rubber-isolated drivetrain and an engine and five-speed transmission which are hard bolted together.Belts come back into fashion: a Kevlar belt replaces the chain as the final drive on some models.
    The FXB Sturgis, featuring an 80 cubic-inch engine, and FXWB Wide Glide are introduced.
  • 1981After years of AMF mismanagement, Harley-Davidson has lost almost all customer loyalty and profits are in freefall. When a group of company executives led by Vaughn Beals offers to buy the division for $75 million, AMF quickly agrees.Beals leads an amazing corporate turnaround. He funds new product development and implements world-class quality control. It’s impossible to know what would have happened to the H-D brand if Beals had not risen up to save it, but it’s certain that no one else could have done a better job at rehabilitating it.
  • 1982The FXR/FXRS Super Glide II are introduced, featuring a rubber-isolated, five-speed powertrain.The company adopts a just-in-time inventory system on the manufacturing side, which helps to lower cost and improve quality.
  • 1983The Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) is formed.The company petitions the International Trade Commission (a branch of the U.S. federal government) to impose a tariff on Japanese motorcycles of over 700cc. As a result, many Japanese motorcycles that are sold as 750cc models in the rest of the world are sleeved-down to 700cc for the U.S. market.
  • 1984The 1340cc V2 Evolution engine appears on five models. Although it’s been in development since the AMF era, the motor proves the newly independent company has turned the corner in terms of build quality. It is far more reliable and oil-tight.The Softail, which features concealed rear suspension and evokes the rigid-framed hogs of 30 or 40 years ago, meets with commercial success.
  • 1986Harley-Davidson diversifies with the acquisition of the Holiday Rambler motorhome company.
  • 1987The company makes its Initial Public Offering. Stock is traded on the NYSE, with the ticker symbol of HOG. The company petitions the ITC to relax the tariff on imported motorcycles, a year before it was scheduled to lapse. The move serves notice that Harley-Davidson is capable of competing on a level playing field, despite the fact that the Japanese companies now all make V-Twin cruisers that compete directly with the American offerings.
  • 1988Exploiting customers’ love of traditional styling, the Springer front end returns on the FXSTS Springer Softail.
  • 1990Introduction of the FLSTF Fat Boy.
  • 1991Introduction of the first motorcycle in the Dyna line, the FXDB Dyna Glide Sturgis.
  • 1992Harley-Davidson is the first company to equip all its models (except for a handful of racing motorcycles) with drive belts. Modern drive belts provide a smoother ride than chains, last longer, and free riders from the drudgery of chain lubrication and adjustment.
  • 1993H-D buys a minority interest in the Buell Motorcycle Company.
  • 1994The company enters the AMA Superbike Championship, fielding the water-cooled, DOHC VR1000. AMA rules specified that the company had to also build and sell 2,000 machines for road use, a process is called “homologation.” So, you may wonder, why have you never seen a road-going VR1000 if 2000 were sold? Because the model was homologated in Poland. By selling it there, Harley avoided U.S. liability and Poland’s lax laws allowed the barely-modified race bike to be legally licensed.Despite being ably ridden by Miguel Duhamel, Pascal Picotte, Chris Carr and Scott Russell, the VR1000 will never win an AMA race.
  • 1995Harley-Davidsons are equipped with fuel injection for the first time.
  • 1996Sales of parts and accessories are an increasingly important part of the business – a fact reflected in the new, 250,000 sq. ft. facility the company opens in Franklin, WI.
  • 1997A new 217,000 sq.-ft. design center opens in Milwaukee. FL engine production moves to a newly purchased plant in Menomonee Falls. A new 330,000 sq. ft. plant in Kansas City takes over the production of Sportsters.
  • 1998The company opens its first foreign factory in Manaus, Brazil.The remaining shares of Buell are also acquired.
  • 1999The Touring and Dyna lines receive the new Twin Cam 88.
  • 2000Despite spending tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees in the mid-’90s – and having initial success in its efforts to trademark the “potato-potato” sound of Harley motors – the company drops its U.S. Patent Office application. Harley-Davidson’s vice president of marketing, Joanne Bischmann, tells reporters, “I’ve personally spoken with Harley-Davidson owners from around the world and they’ve told me repeatedly that there is nothing like the sound of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. If our customers know the sound cannot be imitated, that’s good enough for me and for Harley-Davidson.”
  • 2001The VRSCA V-Rod is introduced. The motor – which was designed with input from Porsche – is fuel injected, has overhead cams, and liquid cooling.
  • 2003It is estimated that 250,000 people come to Milwaukee to celebrate The Motor Company’s 100th anniversary.
  • 2006Fittingly, the ’06 model-year Dyna motorcycles come with six-speed transmissions.The company announces a major new museum, scheduled to open in Milwaukee in 2008.
  • 2007Harley upgrades its Big Twin motor, stroking it out to 96 cubic inches and earning the moniker “Twin Cam 96.” The six-speed transmission from the Dyna line is added across the board.
  • 2008The Motor Company opens its impressive new museum in time for Harley’s 105th anniversary.Purchases MV Agusta for $109 million in an attempt to take advantage of MV’s european distribution channels.
    Introduces the XR1200, inspired by the XR750 flat track machine used to win countless championships. The XR1200 represents the first time H-D designed and marketed a motorcycle exclusively for the European market. Later, after demand from this side of the pond, the XR1200 is then sold worldwide.
  • 2009Keith Wandell becomes the first person since 1981 to become CEO of Harley-Davidson who hadn’t had any previous connections to The Motor Company.Due to the economic recession, Harley-Davidson discontinues the Buell line and puts up MV Agusta for sale to focus on core business. This after The Motor Company declared profits dropped 84-percent since the previous year.
    Announces plan to enter the rapidly expanding Indian market.
  • 2010In a throwback to the 883 series, AMA Pro Racing, along with title sponsor Vance & Hines, debuts the inaugural XR1200 series. Modifications are limited and place emphasis on rider talent. Danny Eslick wins the championship in its first year.


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